No it's not for Gary.
What is the 'G' representing in the Masonic Logo?
Help me help you helping me, and love your neighbor often.
It's a serious question.
For a serious mind.
Seriously now.
No it's not for Gary.
What is the 'G' representing in the Masonic Logo?
Help me help you helping me, and love your neighbor often.
It's a serious question.
For a serious mind.
Seriously now.
You know China had a shitload of guilded lead bars they passed off as gold.
If memory serves me, and I have no short term memory, cause I'm a stoner, there was almost a trillion dollars in cash that it was used as collateral for…meaning their Yuan should be toilet paper by now. Between Evergrande and the Fake Gold, that's about 40% of their money that's just evaporated…no country has ever recovered from such a massive hit.
Just wait until the pole reversal…how do you think Mars got the "Great Scar"?
Electrical Arcing baby.
Shit's going to get real for them real soon.
Those that weren't working in the best interest of God are going to get fucked up bad.
That's if I have any say in the matter.
Let's go.
"Jeff, if we build your yacht to those specs, it won't be able to get under many bridges, including this one. Maybe a bit smaller perhaps sir?"
"blow up the fucking bridges and rebuild them using taxpayer money so my fucking yacht fits under ALL of them" - Jeff B's rebuttal.
When you own the world, you can blow up bridges.