Anonymous ID: 5f5754 Feb. 2, 2022, 9:25 a.m. No.15528074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8114

In these current turbulent times it seems as if humanity has went to another stage of crazy.


Basically, what’s happening is you are going through an Awakening and we’re figuring it out that we have been controlled like sheep in a pen by those who think they control you. From the government, the world management team and those from space. We have been deprived of extreme knowledge through frequency control. But, this is nothing new this has been happening for thousands of years its just been accelerated. Hence, the Human Awakening. The true meaning of Apocalypse.


We are in a war for our minds and our consciousness. There is currently a major conflict working through us. This negative realm we reside in eats consciousness. So, basically it prevents an overt takeover in literal terms. Meaning, if the veil was lifted and the man behind the curtain was revealed to the Human race we would be disgusted and turn away just as in the Wizard of Oz. Meaning, the ruby slippers need to be obtained very carefully.


The negative alien agenda is basically stalking humanity. “The aim of stalking is to create a completely artificial environment composed of thoroughly predictable human behaviors.” Basically, we have been programmed to react in certain ways through conditioning. They’ve taken away any clear perceptions of what our reality really is. A red pill for many will be the understanding that there is a secret government that is carrying out a negative alien agenda and every single one of those psychopaths will be unrecognizable to the Human race. These secrets superiors are just that secret!


The unseen and un-seeable has taken over our mind, body and soul by stalking. They want us to believe that any form of rebellion is an error… brilliant mind control trick. In reality these psychopaths are after one major commodity and that is our consciousness. If they control our consciousness, they control our physical realm we exist in.


Artificial intelligence is very dangerous and it’s purpose is to ensure obedience. The masses who embrace this technology without questioning it will become victims of it. A totally drugged, surgically altered programmed psyche it’s only good for robotic slave service.


Remember, nobody’s a sheep except the one being killed by the Magician.

Anonymous ID: 5f5754 Feb. 2, 2022, 9:38 a.m. No.15528170   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Preparing For Major Activation


Remember the process:


Clearing And Cleansing

1.) Human Vibrations Are Sent Into The Ethreal Realm Of Spiritual Subatomic Particles Via Thoughts, Emotions, Words, And Actions;


2.). The Ethereal Realm Receives The Vibrational Messages And Sends Necessary Frequencies;


3.). The Great Central Sun Receives The Messages Of Source Frequency And Sends Them To Our Sun, Which Then Sends Them To Our Planet;


4.) Planetary Activations Begin;


5.) Updates To Dna Occur;


6.) Corrections In Consciousness Happen;


7.) Collective Consciousness Elevates To Higher Light And A Faster Vibrational Spin;


8.) Collective Humanity Awakens To Truth;


9.) New Thoughts, Emotions, Words, And Actions Occur;


10.) New Experiences Begin To Actualize Individually And Collectively.


As the “Cosmic Forces” zoom into our planet and galaxy, we are given the ability to call forth much more quickly the experiences that we focus upon.


Be careful in what you call forth—consciously or unconsciously.


You will attract very profoundly what you think and feel—what you send out from your electrical thought frequencies you will attract as an emotive magnetic response.


Then you will have a material manifestation.


Send out energetics of LOVE, PEACE, WELLNESS, PROSPERITY, and JOY.


Try this for one day, then for three days, then for an entire week, then for a month, etc. Pray for ease in doing this.


We are being sent the “codes” to work with in this “Now”.