Some wommins is just ugly, anon. Just like some mens. Zucker had his fun with her. Now it's her turn. She sucked and fucked her way right through that glass ceiling at CNN. You know what? God bless her for it. She'll be that network's undoing.
Gab courted PDJT heavily. Gab's problem is allowing antisemitism, and so the aversion to jump straight to Gab after the Twitter expelling was blamed on Kushner being "all sensitive". Truth is, the current state of how PDJT is engaging with anons was probably planned all along, and the Kushner anti-Gab stuff might actually be 100% bullshit because there's a significant portion of (pretend?) pro-Trumpers that hate on Kush 24/7. So now that that's out of the way, I'd venture a guess to say "No, this isn't him". However, there's this other character that has a patreon that everyone thinks is Catturd's (it's not) that seems to be in a lot of different places.
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know that Zucker out at CNN is a really good thing. Knowing that, it's logical that any accounts that want to impersonate him will do so. Most interestingly, though, are the number of impersonator accounts that are impersonating "Papi" on Twitter (who's also on other platforms). Why would all these impersonator accounts model themselves after Papi? What would be the purpose of trying to muddy the waters in a situation where the Papi account is "most likely not" President Trump himself (or someone working directly with him)?
So I reckon I do pay attention to Papi. There's something going on there. Ya pickin' up what I'm puttin' down?
Anon, I don't know how to break it to you, but these people are sick fucks that will literally flaunt what they do to you to your face, and accuse you of being a neglectful sadistic fuck for doubting their precious science-based vaccines.
If you need help figuring this out, there's a wealth of research material available at Use the search engine to find studies exploring the link between vaccines and diseases that common knowledge say come from magical virus particles floating in the air and randomly affect small percentages of children across the globe (that just so happen to also be vaccinated).
Also relevant to research:
Incidents of polio, cerebral palsy, downs, cancer, heart disease, autism, and other autoimmune disorders in the Amish population, and other non-vaccinated populations dispersed throughout the world. You might accidentally learn something.
COINCIDENCE. Anons be reaching and shit, now. The absolute state of this place. Hey, at least the new mgmt brought back the tasteful baker babes.
I have to admit, watching the news has been interesting lately. Lots of conversations echo.
It's like he's sitting here watching the board. >>15528179