>Tell me again it ain't the Jews
This is why you're too stupid to pay attention to. It isn't "the" any one people. You need therapy. Seriously.
>Tell me again it ain't the Jews
This is why you're too stupid to pay attention to. It isn't "the" any one people. You need therapy. Seriously.
Are you going to exterminate all the baby Jews? Tell us how you plan to fix your problems with all Jews. I will wait.
I do find myself arguing with bots from time to time. Maybe it's time for me to go outside and get some sunshine. Kek
Still waiting for your admission of your desire for genocide. Or does that break one of your employee handbook rules?
>These forces are not going to fight in Ukraine. They are not permanent moves.
Just a little temporary war
Oh fuck off chicken shit. Can't even commit to your own ideology. Fake ass Jew hater.
Dude, I don't even believe in Jews. No one can decide what the fuck they are. Anyone can become a Jew. It's smoke and mirrors. These bots spread this "The Jew" shit and can't back up their Jew hate with anything but shillery. If it's"The Jews" then it's ALL JEWS. Even the baby ones. I'm American. I've studied my geneaology. I've learned it's all a few degrees of separation. You only come from your own parents and pretending to be special because of your great great whatever lineage is tard.
You're right, it's not the Jews.
Top kek!
Or not.