Anonymous ID: 9fab30 Feb. 2, 2022, 3:22 p.m. No.15530797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1111

Arizona Speaker Bowers Tries to Bury Election Bill in Committees – In Response Election Integrity Leader Liz Harris Decides to Run for House


The corrupt Speaker of the Arizona House, Rusty Bowers, who did everything he could to cede the 2020 Election in Arizona to Joe Biden based on fraudulent results, is at it again. He’s now trying to bury an election bill in committees so it never comes to a vote. Liz Harris has had enough.


In Arizona, Representative John Fillmore has put forward a bill, HR2596, to address concerns emanating from the corrupt results in the 2020 Election in Arizona. Nearly 700,000 ballots in Maricopa County alone were in question or confirmed fraudulent after an audit and canvassing work was performed in 2021. The state’s results should never have been certified.


Representative Fillmore is behind a bill that will address many of the causes behind the hundreds of thousands of ballot issues in the state. However, local Arizona media outlets are using far-left election ‘talking heads’ to criticize the bill.



Rep. John Fillmore’s House Bill 2596 would eliminate no-excuse early voting, which is used by the overwhelming majority of Arizona voters, and would require that all ballots not only be counted by hand, but that those tallies be completed within 24 hours of the polls closing on Election Day, among other changes.


Perhaps the biggest change, however, is that the legislature would be empowered to accept or reject election results in legislative, congressional and statewide races. Under the proposed law, the legislature would be required to call itself into session after an election to “review the ballot tabulating process.” Once that review is completed, lawmakers would decide whether to accept or reject the results. If the legislature rejects the results, any qualified voter can go to court to ask a judge to order a new election.


Election experts found that provision to be highly problematic.


“It’s terrifying,” said Jennifer Morrell, a former deputy of elections in Arapahoe County, Colo., who is now a partner at The Elections Group, a consulting outfit.


Morrell is a far-left actor who was identified in multiple swing states before and after the election.

Anonymous ID: 9fab30 Feb. 2, 2022, 3:48 p.m. No.15531000   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 6: Private Sector Funders


As with most agendas being perpetrated on human beings, those who manufactured the alleged “crisis” are those profiting from it, and some of these globalists are so slick, they can sell ice cubes to eskimos. Parts 1-5 of this 9-part series revealed the Social Emotional Learning PreK-Adult obedience training being instilled through the education system and beyond, many who are involved, and just how far along this psychological agenda is. Part 6 explains the human capital aspect, and shows the private sector funding that has been pumped into this agenda to train the obedient future workforce. This global agenda is already operating in 110 countries and billions are pouring into it.



Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: The Programming

Part 3: Spirituality in Education Programming

Part 4: WEF Vision for Global Education System

Part 5: U.S. Department of Education & Multiple Agencies Involved

Human Capital


“An emerging understanding of brain development has revealed a remarkable period of elasticity during adolescence — nearly a second infancy, and a second chance to capitalize on rapid change to build the habits of mind that support a thriving adulthood.” – call to action by Carnegie Corporation of New York


Everything the globalists pour money into is self-serving, despite their efforts to manipulate people into believing they do everything for the good of mankind. This particular agenda is no different. They are “investing” in “changing” the minds of children (and parents) to control all aspects of their characteristics and behavior, thinking, emotions, and beliefs so they can mold them to be their future workforce in a digital world where everyone’s moves, access, behavior, words, and spending is all tracked through blockchain and a social scoring system they’ve long been building.


According to researchers at Columbia University, in 2015 they determined that SEL programs have a strong return on investment (ROI) over long periods of time, stating that the programs generated an average return of $11 per $1 invested. Here is the full study which was funded by the NoVo Foundation, a foundation that is controlled by Peter Buffet with the initial donation from his father Warren of 350,000 shares (valued at $1 million) of Berkshire Hathaway.


Those involved in furthering this agenda, insist that “character” is what is most important when it comes to school, career, and life success, and under the guise of the need to change ones “character” they advocate for policy change to promote social and economic change. Whereas ones “character” certainly plays an important role in life, these folks want to bend it to their benefit.


According to Professor James J. Heckman, “Starting early gives a greater return. Investment in high-quality, early childhood development from birth – it makes dollars and sense.” Heckman has served as the Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, where he directs the Economics Research Center and the Center for the Economics of Human Development, since 1973. It’s no coincidence that CASEL (co-founded by Eileen Rockefeller Growald) is based out of Chicago, or that the Rockefellers have deep ties in Chicago, including the fact that John D. Rockefeller was the founder of the University of Chicago.


Much of Heckman’s work focuses on “models of individuals,” “lifecycle skill formation,” and early childhood development, all of which has had quite an influence on policymakers. His “Heckman Equation” project was funded by the Pritzker Children’s Institute and the Buffet Early Childhood Fund. Neither is surprising, with both having ties to this overall agenda. As noted above, NoVo funded the ROI study on SEL programs, at the request of CASEL.


As documented in part 3 of this series, the Lisa and John Pritzker Family Fund donated $300,000 to the Center for Healthy Minds to advance its research on cultivating well-being and relieve suffering. They cultivate this “well-being” through smartphone apps that “train brains,” with projects funded by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, NIH, NCCIH, and NIMH (who also funds CASEL). In 2017, J.B. Pritzker and Heckman wrote an op-ed for The Hill, urging the new administration to subsidize early childhood education from birth to age three, and expand access to preschool starting at age four. They’ve spent decades trying to break apart the family unit, so they could use the “single mom” card for their agendas.



Anonymous ID: 9fab30 Feb. 2, 2022, 4 p.m. No.15531110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1173


Nope…read it all it is corruption - 33 freemasonry represents the 1/3 that fell from heaven - the bloodlines is there off spring - secret societies there to corrupt man - the war is against God and Man