Anonymous ID: fea7d2 May 26, 2018, 7:52 p.m. No.1553235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3251 >>3394 >>3602 >>3604 >>3675

Repost from end of LB. Ties in to Hussein's trafficking…

More proof of Human trafficking. People reportedly with criminal records as well as illegal aliens were involved in Hussein's open border policy. They had their own "safe houses" where they would put their (((SLAVES))). HHS even had a whistle-blower that revealed it. Hussein 's administration apparently did nothing about it, no surprise there.

Anonymous ID: fea7d2 May 26, 2018, 7:53 p.m. No.1553251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3262


#WhereAreTheChildren great question, even better question why did Obama admin ignore Whistleblower who asked in 2015? What everyone is refusing to report is we know about them BECAUSE current admin finally investigated. @girlsreallyrule @therealroseanne…


4:50 PM - 26 May 2018

Anonymous ID: fea7d2 May 26, 2018, 8:31 p.m. No.1553560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3584

If ever there was a call for white genocide, this would seem like it is one. This man is saying they would rather eat each other than eat food produced by White farmers. Look at him, he even looks like someone who would eat another Human….?

Sounds awful like Hussein when he was talking about "You didn't make your small business" when he says ‘The food we eat in SA does not come from farms owned by whites, it’s comes from Shoprite, Pick n Pay, and Spar’, Says Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Senzeni Zokwana says South Africa is prepared, just in case white farmers decide to leave, as they did in Zimbabwe.


Zokwana first said South Africa does not get it’s food only from farms, but also from the sea.


Speaking again this week on the recent threats made by white farmers who threatened to go to Australia if the killing of white farmers does not end. The minister on Thursday afternoon said:


“White farmers think we depend on them for food supplies. They must wake up and smell the coffee because the food we eat in SA does not come from farms owned by whites, it’s comes from Shoprite, Pick n Pay, and Spar’ Zokwana said on Monday afternoon.


Zokwana is going to introduce changes to how key government grants are used in order to advance transformation for the benefit of small and black-owned businesses. But he also said:


“if eating each other is the only option we have left when white farmers leave. Then it is fine, we will do it. People do eat people sometimes to survive.”


SA’s big fishing companies, Sea Harvest and Brimstone, and Old Mutual’s Masisizane Fund have all committed to the establishment of a R100m fisheries development fund.


Delivering his budget vote speech in Parliament recently, Zokwana said in order to reform the sector, the re-engineering of conditional grants, specifically the Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme and Ilima Letsema, was imperative.


“I am sounding a clarion call that it can no longer be business as usual. We need to change the manner in which we manage the funds we have, in order to achieve inclusive economic growth that is developmental in approach and encompasses the ambitions of the youth of this country and our women in particular,” said Zokwana.

Anonymous ID: fea7d2 May 26, 2018, 8:40 p.m. No.1553626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3651 >>3662 >>3692

No Surprise here!!!

Bechir Rabani infiltrated Antifa and threatened to expose Soros before he died

Bechir Rabani vowed to expose George Soros before he died

An investigative journalist, who went undercover to infiltrate violent leftist groups such as Antifa, has been found dead shortly after he vowed to expose billionaire globalist, George Soros.33-year-old Bechir Rabani was a hugely popular Swedish independent reporter, well known for his daring exposés.


He was found dead at his home on Friday night in “suspicious circumstances” according to Police.He was working on an investigation into radical leftist mainstream journalist Robert Aschberg and his connection to George Soros funded extremist organizations when he was killed.Shortly before he died, Rabani had revealed he was about to lift the lid on mass corruption that linked Soros and Aschberg.Culture Wars reports: Bechir Rabani gained popularity when he tried to confront Expressen’s (left wing newspaper) editor in chief Thomas Mattson and journalist Diamant Salihu in their homes in Stockholm.

In August 2017 Rabani released a documentary ”I skammens skugga”/”In the shadow of shame”, describing the rape epidemic and perils Swedish girls face from Muslim invaders.He has also been a guest on Red Ice Radio talking about Swedish disintegration and minority rule.In late September 2017, Rabani infiltrated an ANTIFA demonstration in Gothenburg, exposing the Marxist plebs.In the video, the low-level lifeforms are seen using slings to throw rocks towards the police and retreating in panic when the police slowly march towards them.Rabani’s latest project was an investigation into Robert Aschberg, a Jewish journalist living in Sweden, and board member of the Expo Foundation.

EXPO is an antiracist foundation with one of its many destructive goals being the registering of all right-wing people.Aschberg is also friends with Jacques Wallner – a man who in 1982 murdered a 21-year-old Swedish man in cold blood, “because he was racist”.Jacques Wallner went on to work for Dagens Nyheter.Aschbergs grandfather “the red banker” Olof Aschberg helped his good friend and mass murderer Joseph Stalin to launder the money that the Bolsheviks had stolen from Russia before the Russian Revolution.It is mostly this inheritance that has allowed Robert Aschberg to rise to his current status.Aschberg is also a fan of Mao Zedong and his ruling methods.One of Mao Zedong’s principles was to get rid of people before they could become influential.The same methods are used by Mossad against Palestinian opinion leaders.According to a former Mossad agent Claire Hoy Victor Ostrovsky the enemy must be destroyed before they become too influential.