just came on the board tonight
i see there is a lot of habbenings
does it mean it is habbening or watters thinks it is habbening?
i would
that is why i put a question mark [?]
anon is a anon
just have not watched the watters video yet, just read the comments on the board tonight by anons
anyone remember the symposium
wendy rodgers highjacked the event and then gave loads of thanks to bannon
bannon is untrustworthy and a just a grifter.
audit all 50 states
really how long would that take,
the 22 months of holding on to evidence will be up by the 3rd sept 2022.
statue of limitations.
they need to be decertified
which they will not because according to law, if they are decertified they will have to prove trump won.
someone mentioned that biden is a asterisk president, in name only.
the only way is military.
all 3 branches of the government are corrupt.