And which social media star is he related to?
Tim Poole is his brother. They (Timcast and friends) all frequent the chans. They all grifted and made a fortune together.
Idk I'm a little sketchy about anyone named Candace. lol
That's a jester. You have to be a real bad man to graduate from clown to jester. Just saying.
>It was a black dude with the same name
Shut up. That's a lie and you know it. We've been through this three times already. They got the right POS.
That's funny. When did Tim drop the 'e'?
I don't wanna honk
Honk with ya baby
No more
Never do something to honk you though
Oh, but the honking is bad
The honking is bad
I know that links containing the real spelling have been broken. But when I find a link that isn't broken, I will be sure to post it. Until then, I know what's going on. You can't circle jerk me anymore.