Anonymous ID: b2a348 Feb. 2, 2022, 8:23 p.m. No.15533220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3240

Bioweapon released by foreign state and traitors to fraudulently elect openly blackmailed 80 year old president killing millions and destroying world economy

Entire FBI goes down 5 years ago spying on presidential campaign with false fisa court documents

Clinton foundation? Emails? Uranium? Seth Rich?

Dozens of terror FFs killing innocents memory holed

Epstein down 3 years ago and the fallout is years of court battles with perpetrators who were already publicly known for decades

Rogue SUBMARINE MISSILE supposedly shot at AF1 among other assassination attempts

Billions of people locked in their homes to coerce dangerous experimental vaccines over known cheap therapeutic

This is just the Trump years God knows how many singular crimes by intel/pols/banks/cults that could bring the whole house down


Forget the thousands of years old death cults and all of history being a lie, most of humanity being genetically sickened for enslavement.


Autist’s brain is spinning keeping up with the ways we’re inching towards collapse without resolution. Truck honks aren’t soothing to autists