Anonymous ID: d501bb Feb. 3, 2022, 10:48 a.m. No.15537231   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“There is not one future that you are all destined to live; it is up to you what you vibrate in harmony with. And you have the ability to tune in at all times to what you are vibrating and shift it to a higher frequency, and that is really all you need to know. We care about you, and we care about your vibration, because we care about how you feel. And so, when we see you all tuning in to rhetoric that leaves you feeling worse, we know that you are confused, and we know that you need to let go of the mental processing, so you can go do some emotional processing. And we also know that once you clear whatever was just triggered inside of you, that’s when you can vibrate on purpose, and create a much better-feeling reality for you and for everyone else there on planet Earth.“

Anonymous ID: d501bb Feb. 3, 2022, 11:18 a.m. No.15537458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7464 >>7494

Infiltration not Invasion


High level ET’s are currently incarnated in human form and are here now, they don’t know who they are themselves. Most of you are them, bringing your high frequencies to the planet.


The positive ET’s didn’t invade, they infiltrated and destroyed the slave grip the dark forces had on humanity.


Just wait until you find out who / what you really are.

Anonymous ID: d501bb Feb. 3, 2022, 11:33 a.m. No.15537545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7561


You don’t get it yet?

(You) anons are “them”.

The ground crew, you agreed to do this before incarnating.

You all helped with the plan and chose your role.

So get busy

Anonymous ID: d501bb Feb. 3, 2022, 11:47 a.m. No.15537630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7632

Divine Mother: For the Way Showers


Dear Hearts


I would like to begin by offering my divine blessing here today for All of you on my beautiful Gaia, stepping into, expanding out, joyfully picking up all that is intended for you.


Much change is being revealed – Earth is awakening – Gaia is lifting into all that she intends for herself.


The awakening process is accelerating. So too will the need for patience operating from your love centers and the ability to provide a warm welcome for the newly awakened . There is a great need for you to practice understanding. Reach for my guidance when you feel anger or despair or you question the progress or pace of another in their own divine path to awakening .


I continue to ask for surrender and allowing.


Imagine a waterfall and realize the journey the water makes on its way, far above the place where it eventually falls into all that it is, has many twists and beautiful turns. There are placid places where the water meanders, and aggressive patches where the water leaps and bounds over obstacles centered around life‘s lessons.


Every aspect of this journey is part of the eventual culmination as the water builds and races toward the waterfall, the leaping over and surrendering to experience the falling into the Divine Love of the Heart of One.


After the surrender, at the bottom of the waterfall, there is a pool.


In the calm pool, peaceful, tranquil, welcoming, there is a time to rest and reflect on the journey, a time to plan the next leg of this flowing and expanding into all that you choose to be.


All aspects of the journey can be playful, joyful, mischievous, blossoming.


Floating on your back at the bottom of the waterfall, resting in all that you have come to know that you are, look forward, center yourself beautifully from your heart, imagine every wonderful thing that you will create.


Eventually little seeds, little sprouts of beautiful intention for the next creative endeavor, will spark forth and you will begin to move down the next section in this wonderfully exciting waterway and flow into All that is your intended journey.


Many of you have finished this part of your journey and are already resting expectantly in the pool. You are the Way Showers. You know the journey ahead for so many on the planet as they awaken to all that has been and all that can be.


For this reason I ask you today to prepare yourself for the immediate need for compassion, for love, for allowing, for holding space for these ones as they wake up in understanding.


Begin to practice now how you will meet dismay, shock, disbelief. Your own journey has informed your ability to surround and wrap these emerging souls in love and guidance.


On the practical side, at all times there will be the vital holding of love energy to be done. Other times it will be very clear that your role is a more active one- that there is supportive action you can take. Open to this service and you will know clearlyi when you are called to act.


In all of this unfolding, know that each of my beautiful children has made their choice regarding the path they would like to take. You are my instruments for helping those that have chosen to bump into you specifically.


In this journey down the stream to the eventual waterfall, you are strategically placed, my light workers, directing, guiding, blessing, holding love for all.


I ask again that you open ever more fully into this work ahead. For this you came. Know that you are surrounded by my loving arms and the company of heaven is actively involved in supporting and amplifying your efforts.


You have my blessing

Anonymous ID: d501bb Feb. 3, 2022, noon No.15537709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7719

Dearest Ones you are all going through a change in your lives as you move forwards into a different dimension. Eventually you will reach a 5th Dimension of Love, Peace and Harmony. As you can imagine a part of humanity is not even close to living in this New World. Every single soul has the choice to be able to live in this new Dimension, but some souls will have decided that they may need to learn more on another plane of existence. We are here to remind you that the main body of lightworkers and their families (even though they may not have woken up, yet so to speak) have contracted to stay on planet Earth at this time.


This is the reason why so many of you are frustrated with your families for not being awake at this time. Maybe you thought that you would all be together on this journey but remember that YOU are the way shower.! By just being you, you are in fact showing the way for them. Their personality may not have awoken, but their soul certainly has. Do not get disheartened for much of your work now is being done behind the scenes as you send your healing to them, whether you are with them physically or not.


It has been decreed that the darker souls will indeed move to planets where their soul can be healed but their time on Earth will be at an end. You ask how this can happen but know that the ONE is in charge of everything, and mistakes are not made. All that is happening is happening for all of the right reasons. It may seem as if things are taking too long for some of you, but it will very soon be a time for many truths to come out which will change everything. This new year of the Tiger in Chinese Astrology will see many lies coming to the surface, and they will mostly be seen by the majority of humanity and will not be able to be hidden anymore.


As you can imagine many people will be in confusion as their whole world may have been thrown upside down and much of their belief system will be seen as a lie. YOU dear lightworkers will be much needed for advice and healing. It may feel like a time for saying “I told you so” but we know this will not be the case for most of you without ego.


It is time now to come together with all lightworkers to finally eradicate the darkness that has descended on the planet. It is not the time to be divided by who has taken a jab and who has not. It is time now to find the connections not the differences amongst your friends and families.


As we have always said YOU are a Divine sentient being and as such YOU are very powerful. Know this and know that all that you need will be given to you. Do not even think about what has happened in the past for you will all be rich in many ways.


Not Be afeared about anything that is being said at this time, especially in the darkness of the Main news media. Much of it is false and will be seen to be so, very soon. Go within to find your own Truth and be your own guru. You need no other to tell you what is right or wrong. You will just know.


The darker beings are in confusion now and they themselves do not understand what is happening as they arrogantly thought that they could not fail. It is as if they are throwing all of their toys out of the pram so to speak. They are trying everything that they can, to keep humanity under control but their time is over Dear Ones, and the Light has won. Take no notice of these final machinations. God has and always will be in charge.


It is as if these darker beings are like little children having a tantrum. God had given them time to come to their senses and it was always known that they would eventually grow up to be decent citizens of the Universe. However their time is up now on Earth for she needs to heal. The darker beings will be sent to other Dimensions to heal and humanity will finally be able to begin to heal themselves and the planet they live upon.


And so Dear Ones rejoice and know that you have succeeded in living through a very difficult time and have won the battle. It has been hard for many of you but with God on your side how could you ever have lost.?


It is time now to heal all of your own sadness’s from the past and look forward to a wonderful future of which you have all dreamt.


Trust and Believe that all will be well and it will be so.


We send you many Blessings and Love, Dear Ones.


As always call on us for help and guidance.


We are Sirius.

Anonymous ID: d501bb Feb. 3, 2022, 12:02 p.m. No.15537719   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This is the reason why so many of you are frustrated with your families for not being awake at this time. Maybe you thought that you would all be together on this journey but remember that YOU are the way shower.! By just being you, you are in fact showing the way for them. Their personality may not have awoken, but their soul certainly has. Do not get disheartened for much of your work now is being done behind the scenes as you send your healing to them, whether you are with them physically or not.


This is for you anons