Anonymous ID: 6f2ef6 Feb. 3, 2022, 6:55 p.m. No.15540536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0546 >>0624 >>0641 >>0645 >>0647 >>0650 >>0662 >>0675 >>0689 >>0698 >>0745 >>0790 >>0877 >>0977 >>0996

Pay attention. The end of the global covid fiasco is just the beginning of something much more nefarious.


The AntiChrist is going to be perceived by the majority as the guy who finally steps up and fixes the whole shit show the entire world was dragged through by the previous leaders. Never in the history of the world has there been a singular global crisis issue that everyone in every country can unite around simultaneously


What better set up than to put the world on an obvious ridiculous lock down, mandate poisonous trial vaccines, crash economies, and set up leaders and media outlets as public enemies number 1.


Now watch the whole global narrative crumble as the world is looking like it is about to go to war. People are tired of all the conflict and division and hatred. Everyone wants peace.


Leaders are going to fall like dominoes and “The Man of Peace” is set to enter, he will step up and make a 7 year peace treaty, get Israel on their way to building their long desired temple next to the Dome of the Rock, then when it’s built he will step up to declare himself the Messiah.


It’s happening people.

Place your trust in Yeshua Jesus. He loves you. He paid for your sins on the cross.


This is serious. It’s habbenin’ frenz.