name fagging nigger.
name fagging nigger.
HA. Go protect your fuck buddy on your own board till then i will pray you get shot in the face.
oh no you are accusing me of what you are. Now i want your head chopped off.
and your families. every last one of them i pray dies traumatically. Screaming !
maybe because you fucks control both. Information is still flowing in here, you and your team keep pushing anons to go elsewhere to dig, what is it now hive mind or deep digs. I lose track. either way fuck you and fuck everyone else.
oh so now i am a member of a shill team, well that will not be the first time i have been accused of that, but sorry retard. I just hate you. hate you with a passion. hate all you fucks who go after the people of the free world. SO yeah i do wish nothing but hate and pain on you and your family. I want them to die. GOT that now how about you put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger on cam so i can jerk off this morning.
also seems funny that i call out the hive mind faggots and i get attacked, by their team calling me a jew and what else. So sorry i am angry., booo hoo. Only division fucks are the ones trying to highjack this board like they have for years to get to go to other rooms. Ego much.
see there it is the little btich is crying about me being a jew. That is rich coming from a team of gay operatives trying to derail this board as they have time and time again. yes i do hope you die. with a passion as i hope every one who has harmed people who need protecting die. So cry more please.
and they are still throwing a fucking fit about itโฆ.i am not even sure where this HIvemind shit came from been popping up for a few days right after Deep Digs was mocked into the hole it crawled out from.
HAHAHAH not admitted, saying you are attacking calling people that. See we know your tactic, and while i don't know what you are or if you are the oss nigger or not or hell might even be Freddy miss that little fuck sometimes. But you accuse of what you do not know. I know what side i am on, I walk with angels, even though my anger does cause me to stumble. We know your tactic. Most likely you are that former BV who got ousted who banned everyone because you had a power trip and then got your team of faggots you suck off to back you up still.
she did more than call names, she called out the Groypers for a hit on him.
almost as if you had an agenda. Reposting the same shit every time. WE get it they are bad, Hell i agree, but there are other news items going on other than what you think is important go back to you little page and sulk there and hate the jews all you want. Over here we will hate everyone a little bit more equally.
Trey smith does some really good work if you can get past his theatrics. Been thinking about getting his PreFlood books. A little pricey but would like for my collection.
Or maybe the information is flowing just fine but some retards are trying to muck it up. That is why i hate so much. I have no problem with good natured patriots with love in their hearts, i have a problem with retarded faggots shilling their garbage from another board and throwing temper tantrums. Research goes on in here like it always has, maybe not as intensive as back in the day but it still is here. Those wishing to look into things more are always welcome to report back here. But we see your agenda and its stinks. My anger towards you all is only a result of how you act. You created me, isn't that how the line in Batman goes.
I think those are the 3 i was thinking about. There was one where he ties the summerian kings list to biblical names. I think that was the pre flood one. I listen to him sometimes as i pass out at night. But i do think he has some solid angles on all of this, not perfect but good.
i didn't save it, CM said it on his telegram i think 2 days ago maybe, but it was on the telegram that i am sure of. Came from her telegram Ron responded on his.
and i am calling you out for name fagging and pushing an agenda. Plus the rat memes and shit your team pushes on anons who dare question you. As i said you accuse others of what you yourselves are. This does not mean that the information is bad but it does mean that the angle and the way it is being approached is.
i went on a book buying kick the last couple of months need to read some of this stuff before i get more. Currently working through Demonolgy the king james book. The Whitchhammer(witc-hunting_ and some spider man comics lol.
never back down. Never give in.