Anonymous ID: bfcce7 Feb. 4, 2022, 3:48 p.m. No.15547560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pence Blasts Trump as ‘Un-American’ in Speech for ‘FedSoc’ Group Which Takes Massive Donations from Election-Fiddling Facebook Founder.


The Federalist Society named Facebook – whose founder Mark Zuckerberg spend millions influencing the 2020 election – as one of its Gold Sponsors this year.


Former Vice President Mike Pence delivered a speech to the ostensibly “conservative” Federalist Society on Friday, wherein he insisted that President Trump and his team were wrong to demand Pence use the powers of the Vice President to scrutinize the election results after the 2020 presidential debacle.


Now, details of the host organization of the speech and its links to Mark Zuckerberg, Big Tech, and Facebook specifically may go some way to explaining the former Veep’s precarious position on the matter.


Speaking in Orlando, Pence insisted: “President Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone. And frankly there is no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.”


But the American people did not get to choose the president in the last election, amidst voter fraud, unconstitutional changes in election rules, COVID-related restrictions and “drop boxes”. Instead, the decision was made by Big Tech, the same people who sponsor the group behind Pence’s speech.


The notion of a contested election is certainly risible given the precedent set by the establishment of an Electoral Commission during the 1876 election. But even more concerning is the involvement of the Zuckerberg-owned Facebook in the Federalist Society.


Zuckerberg famously dumped millions of dollars into unconstitutional election changes in 2020, with many of those rules currently being rolled back. The Zuckerberg-Chan Foundation, their Center for Tech and Civic Life, and Facebook itself have been implicated in major, illegal election interference.

Anonymous ID: bfcce7 Feb. 4, 2022, 3:52 p.m. No.15547598   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prince Andrew's ex Lady Victoria Hervey claims infamous image of Duke with Virginia Giuffre was FAKED using photo of accuser in the same clothes taken at Naomi Campbell's birthday months later and a body double who dated another Epstein victim


Ex 'It Girl' Lady Victoria Hervey, 44, is the daughter of the 6th Marquess of Bristol

She has claimed infamous photo of Prince Andrew with Virginia Giuffre is fake

Said she has been told by Epstein's victims Virginia photoshopped the image

Claimed she 'used images taken at Naomi Campbell's 2001 boat party' and 'an Irish body double' stood in for Prince Andrew to created the infamous photo

Claimed Virginia 'wants to take down the monarchy' using the Duke of York


Earlier this week Lady Victoria Hervey sensationally repeated claims that the infamous photo of Prince Andrew and Virginia Giuffre was faked.


Now the 44-year-old socialite and former 'It Girl', who is the daughter of the 6th Marquess of Bristol, has doubled down by identifying the set of images she says were used to create the doctored photo.


The infamous snap with the Duke of York, which was reportedly taken in March 2001 at Ghislaine Maxwell's London apartment, has been reproduced countless times around the world after Ms Giuffre - known before her marriage as Virginia Roberts - shared it with The Mail on Sunday in February 2011.


But Lady Victoria said it has been pieced together using a photo taken at Naomi Campbell's birthday party on board a yacht in St Tropez in May 2001, in which Virginia can be seen wearing the same white tank top with colourful patterned jeans.


The logical explanation is, of course, that she was wearing the same outfit on both occasions.


What's more, Lady Victoria does not have a copy of the exact Virginia photo from St Tropez which she claims was used to fake the Prince Andrew image, and it has never been seen publicly. However, she did share a bizarre painted reproduction of the alleged image to Instagram earlier this week.


Lady Victoria added to her baffling claims by saying that an 'Irish guy' who was dating one of Epstein's victims in 2001 and also attended the boat party was used as a 'body double' for Prince Andrew in the 'fake' image.


In an exclusive interview, Lady Victoria told FEMAIL she has spoken to several victims of Jeffrey Epstein, who said they believe the image was edited by Virginia and Maria Farmer, another victim who worked as an 'artist-in-residence' for Epstein.

Anonymous ID: bfcce7 Feb. 4, 2022, 3:55 p.m. No.15547632   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Pentagon warns new ISIS leader will ‘step up’ because they want to ‘attack the West’



Pentagon press secretary John Kirby warned that a new ISIS leader will ‘step up’ and could even launch attacks on the U.S. after terror group’s head Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi blew himself and his family to bits.


The press secretary also said the Pentagon had hoped to capture al-Qurayshi, also known as Abdullah Qardash, alive to take him in for interrogation, but new details show that the ISIS chief wired the entire third floor of his home so he could blow himself and his family up at a moment’s notice if he were to be found by Western forces.


‘We are going to assume that they are going to try to replace him,’ Kirby said.


Al-Qurayshi has no known successor.


‘This is an organization that wants to reconstitute. They want to grow, they want to get back to the heyday that they had back in 2014.’


‘They certainly have expressed indications that they would like to continue to attack the West, even our homeland. So this is a group that we are keeping an eye on and we have to…