Gee whiz. A raw reading of the constitution. Go figure dumb fucks.
There are certain areas where angels fear to tread.
Think I just invented a new Texas business.
Race you to the registrar.
>Race you to the registrar.
Yes it's on ice, technically. FYI I'm running non traction high mileage rated Michelins.
you better than me bro
I'm doing everything I can just to ignore him.
How about you throw a Jesus blast at his heart?
I'm buying dinner.
Give up the marble rye you old bat.
there it is
you like?
because your fucking skull will get broken long before you ever step foot.
fuck with me asshole
Oh. So now I have to show my provenance? Fuck me the state of this place.
Buckland, Buckland. Do not answer. Message of 237 characters to follow.