> Martin Bryant
he was a patsy
it was a gun grab
John Howard was PM then, but he received his orders from controllers to disarm Australians
NZ Christchurch was the same FF deal to seize guns from NZ citizens
How long have they been trying this same FF deal in America with faked school shootings, etc ? A long time
Australia used to have an armed citizens militia called the CMF, but it was disbanded for obvious reasons, pollies were to scared of an armed populace that might come for them
>Anons will never know the truth.
>stopped trusting doctors!
I have a real aversion to Doctors now
they are just drug pushers and pharmacists are the drug dealers
I don't trust either, for good reason
as alwaysโฆ.follow the money
digits chkd
I've always believed that USS Parche was given to the C_A to become part of the Clown dark-fleet (subs)
It was written off on paper then covertly handed to the clowns as it was specially equipped for espionage
>he hijacked the plane
I've sometimes thought it was remote controlled he wasn't even on board
you again