Does anybody want to address the obvious sex trafficking/slave trading & advertising going on in here? Reporting and filtering doesn't do jack shit. It's gotten 95% worse since kun launched.
Does anybody want to address the obvious sex trafficking/slave trading & advertising going on in here? Reporting and filtering doesn't do jack shit. It's gotten 95% worse since kun launched.
Everybody's gonna act shocked now. Like we've never tried to address this in the past. "Just ignore all the women" is the theme of this place.
Or scream for "muh sauce" when we refuse to post something so damn disgusting.
This is why you are a Jackoff POS and nobody should be promoting you or your damn tweets.
Can you hear me now?
Global report all violent posts, including rape and trafficking. BUT
The violence still continues to get worse.
There's no getting on with my day.
Everyone in the media just loves this POS and has them on their show. Almost like a deliberate slap in our faces. I want to projectile vomit in their general direction.
The devil is a liar.