Call to Dig, comparison of Truckers GoFundMe stats and donations compared to any DS funded. Based on the Reddit thread below we should use the tools to check on theGeorge Floyd funding and anomalies?. GoFuckMe for regular Americans are obviously set up other reasons than charitable purposes
Remember thesetwo scabs belowsetting up GoFuckMe, when they are their families are worth millions
GoFundMe for Andrew McCabeLegal Defense Fund Nears $500K
Earlier this month, Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe, Published March 30, 2018 • Updated on March 30, 2018 at 5:30 pm
Now he is using GoFundMe to raise money for his legal bills In just 10 hours, thousands donated a total of more than $350,000 McCabe .__A statement on the GoFundMe internet page for McCabe unveiled earlier on Thursday said the goal was to raise $150,000 from the public but it was raised to $250,000 because of a response that 'has been remarkable and beyond our expectations.'
GoFundMe page for fired FBI agent Peter Strzok raises $325,000 in one day
Aug. 17, 2018
Sure, such texts cost Peter Strzok his 22-year career with the FBI, but they also seem to have garnered the disgraced former agent a lot of support – enough to raise more than $325,000 for his legal expenses in one day on a GoFundMe page. The page, launched Monday by "Friends Of Special Agent Peter Strzok " But that sum was reached quickly and the target amount was later raised to $350,000. Since then, the requested sum has been raised to __$500,000 and thedonations have climbed to more than $428,000.
The page has drawn in donations from more than11,000 donors. The largest donation was $2,000. (yeah statistically no fucking way that happened and Reddit below user says they saw many large dollar amounts below)
Reddit Thread on donors for Strzok, see the info is downloadable from GoFundMe (at that time, they my have taken this feature down)
"Scraping Peter Strozk's Entire GoFundMeCampaign for Data Analysis, Need Some Help. So I've scraped almost all of Peter Strozk's GoFundMe campaign, after seeing a higher then normal number of anonymous donors, many for large dollar amounts.The data is in Excel format, and includes the following fields; Donors Name, Amount Donated, Time Stamp, URL to donors profile. I'm working on scraping the URL profiles to gather the number of campaigns the user has donated to, how much they've donated on the site through sharing on social media, along with a similar unrelated campaign to get a baseline data set, and should be finished soon.
• The information is all available to anyone on, and doesn't contain any identifiable information other than names. Also I really am not to well versed on analyzing large sets of data like this, and am curious if anyone here is familiar with data analysis.
• I really just want to know the following; How manyfirst time donorson GoFundMe are donating to his campaign, compared with seasoned GoFundMe users (just from browsing the data, there are a ton of anonymous, and or first time donors), when comparing a normal campaign to Strozk's, what the percentages of anonymous donors are in both, and whether the same accounts are donating multiple times.
• Also thetime stampsare rather interesting as well. The number of what appears to be American's (just judging by name) who donated between 2am EST - 6am EST is just about equal to those donating during the day.
• So out of 9720 donors, 2,595 are Anonymous no accounts who gave a total of $106,437 out of the total $374,046 I scraped
• I find it hard to believe so many people are all of sudden are pulling out their wallets and giving $100 to somebody they don't know, just to make a political statement. Especially all the anonymous donors.
• Strozk's campaign had 26% of donors give anonymously, versus a similar campaign in terms of donors and dollars that had 8% donate anonymously!
Scraper I'm using throttled me, so I could only scrape 492 profiles tonight, but out of those 492 profiles, 175 of them this was either their first time donating money on GoFundMe or they set their profile to private. That's 35% of donations were first time users, compared to 8% of first time donators (or private profiles) who donated to Jarrod Lyle's Girls campaign, currently second on the site with $180,916 donated! Sketchy as shit. I updated the spreadsheet to reflect these.