Anon votes yes to the scenario possibility
Rel to pic: How is it no one seems to question why, if WW works so well, is Op-erah still very round? It turns anon's stomach to see her on ads
Random question:
Can the aliens finally arrive already and take us to their planet? I'm considered a carry-on!
Anon doesn't take up much space
ready for their arrival!!
My bad…I should have guessed, especially today, I def wouldn't want to offend our visitors! I would def like to meet them and have a sit down!
Have to settle with a smile and interpretive dance to dazzle our space-frens
At least we'll see the man behind the curtain!
There's a doc on Netfilx re: DMT. It saved a kid from suicide…deep discovery. Was in a South American location this anon believes? Long doc but interdasting
Anon has seen Spirit Mol…very in depth and did well to highlight its effects, but this anon is quite sure each experience is diff per person.
Never tried it, but was curious to see if it helps with post combat injury-type situations.
This anon is quite jacked from special jobs w/neg effects. Tried edibles but that doesn't touch pain. Curious if the smoke wd have diff effects.
Any docs read/seen on PTSD and shrooms or DMT?