ADL Changes Definition of ‘Racism’ Again After Breitbart News Report; Asks Public for Help - Breitbart
Identifying one group (or race) of people as being more racist than another group is, strictly speaking, in itself, racist. Der.
It's not racist if you only hate white people… is it?
In this humble anon's opinion, nobody is racist because everybody is racist. Over countless generations, humans have survived because of an instinctive, self-preserving fear of whomever they perceive as "the other". This is not only rational (the person from the other tribe might want to harm you), it's ubiquitous (all races, colours, and creeds) and perfectly natural. Issues arise only when leftists try to use this normal and largely unconscious in-group-bias for their own nefarious political purposes by virtue signaling that they were miraculously born devoid of this most human of traits. They will spew lies like "I don't see colour" when, in fact, they see everything through a racial lens while claiming it's only racists who do that. Damn hypocrites.