Hvs only said this like three times in 4 years… tyb
Just ask Stacey Abrams and her sister. They can change the methane industry overnight and power 50% of the vehicles of the world with their diet alone
Bobo will bring it hot and heavy, as the equalizer one day. Just waiting and wishing. Bring it, bobo
Imagine being an intelligence agency and globalist puppet and anons and truckies make you resign? What a phaggot
God is watching so anon apologizes in advance. If Bobo pissed on LdR’s face that would be super cool
Real anons have witnessed so much stuff Bruce Willis could show up at anons door with a Christmas ornament of himself and anon would be like “it’s night shift, bro. We are tired. Fuck off, man.”
Higher level IQ post. “Anon theorizes all posts were already made… “I have to go for good..” find that single post and read it as many times as you need. Anon doesn’t mind being wrong and would prefer it but it seems it’s up to The People to fight the rest of the way.
Similar to life when seeing actors in a movie… you just don’t like them anymore. Psaki and people like AOC or whatever the brothers wife is would need Jesus Himself to come and be like @they were just acting” to make anon ever like them again. Psaki can pound sand. Her eyes say it all.
>date me
There aren’t enough sausages on earth to shit that voice up. Maybe some porn producer can do a new films called AOC Does Dallas while she is standing at a fence overlooking a parking lot pretending to cry. Would glance only for the bewbs and bc eff her
Just because your pepe meme was dope… you ever wonder if real anons ever got the chance to meet eachother irl… with protection and safety… we would still probabl accuse eachother of being agents of some kind. It’s just a conundrum that our brains work by. Anon still hopes we can have a bbq at Aberdeen one day. Cheers. Free beer on the Chunese spy driver for Chyn-Stein
anon had to rip the IV out of a morphine drip because it was too crazy. Anon could feel the drugs doing bad things. Anon just took the pain. Eff all that
“Hey, what did you do this week?”
“Ummm… we tried to destroy people fighting for humanity. What did you do?”
“Ummm… were being phaggots, just like you”
AOC may claim anons want to perform sexual acts on her back door. Careful, anon
It would take all the beer ever made for anon to consider AOC. Perhaps an exaggeration but at least a keg