Can you create a FB account without a cell phone? I've also used up all my email addresses. Creating free emails requires an email, is there a place to make an email that does not require an email to create it?
The convoy is not going to be enough. The "elites" are in their well-stocked bubbles and unaffected by the supply chains that will starve us. Until their personal spaces become unbearable, they will never give up their power.
Have BYOB community events
FB deletes me after a few days. It even seems to know who I am when it does. It has been months since I've tried to create my 10th account. Maybe it will work this time?
The only reason I want one is to post memes to lib channels and FB always nukes me.
FBI Just Caught In Secret Plot Against Bannon
Bannon Goes For FBI Jugular After Catching Them Red Handed
pain at the pump