Forgot to mention, was mulling over whether I had heard it correctly or not - there was an obnoxious American woman and a man whose accent fluctuated between Australian and British (sounded like an American trying to disguise his accent to me).
They had a very strange conversion on a train. Whenever I hear an American in the UK my ears usually prick up, and their conversation was weird, here are as close to recall as possible but paraphrased statements include:
Man: 'we can't book more than 6 reservations (at a time)'
Man [interrupting woman, hushed tones]: 'we don't want to mention that, not here'
There was a very disjointed switch between third person (booking a reservation AT someone's hotel) and first person (her hotel… apparently), which made zero sense to me. The conversation sounded coded, and my theory is I unintentionally overheard one of the DNC's 'riot plans'.
From what I could interpret - they were trying to get a large party or group of people to book reservations at a hotel (Trump has hotels, note) at the same time, and some sort of security cap or restriction was limiting it to 6 reservations (unclear if people or separate rooms).
They mentioned something that sounded like 'straggling' the bookings in order to work around this limit.
If I didn't know better, I would say the DNC is planning to send some protestors/rioters into perhaps Trump tower or other Trump hotels - the only indicator being an unnaturally large reservation booking attempt.
I had never honestly considered rioters trashing Trump hotels - when they said riot, I was thinking 'on the street'.
Might want to double-check hotel security, bookings etc. My thoughts are because it's future date it's likely to be nearer the mid-terms.
Makes a change, I'm giving you guys some intel.