I'm only pointing out the seeming logical contradictions in resolving Q's identity.
It's very easy to get lost chasing up strange theorems that don't help identify.
My hyperbolic theory - and that's assuming the 'White Rabbit' thing is an extension of this (there's an account on twitter called 'White Rabbit' who writes Q-esque questions only)…
…It has multiple pluses (+++, for example) and the quoted "&". Now in my experience of decoding mil-int ramblings is any time they put something in quotation marks, it means it's literal (IE a verbatim quote from 'somewhere').
Now, taking the +++ and "&", these are both dial-up modem callsigns type stuff. I don't recall the Wiki article, but the +++ either means 'sending' or 'receiving' (or 'open', something like that).
Remember Q's statements that everything has meaning? Even the plus signs do.
As for "&", in programming, it's, well, used for dereferrencing a pointer. &Variable. This is in order to get the variable's address.
Amperands are also prohibited in HTML and XML code, and must be escaped accordingly, EG &
Methinks amperands refer back to the modem thing.
But again, this is all off-rails warbling. It's all speculative. For all we know, the pluses mean to add. Or it's an iterator. Or an iterator that you add (C = A + ++B).
All we can do is chisel away at observations - expand possibilities until we get something that makes sense.
Does anyone know what the password that got exposed was? Q has mentioned it was both mistake and intentional.
(I still wonder if Q is operated either by two or more people who can't keep their shit straight, or someone who is mildly schizophrenic.)