Anonymous ID: 285d40 May 27, 2018, 10:22 a.m. No.1557705   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7749



I read the article. It was interesting. But Property rights and freedom of speech are not necessarily tied together.


I don't need to own property to have freedom of speech. However, I do need to own property if I want to build on it.


If I walk onto property I can say anything I want on it … even if I don't own it. Now the owner can have me removed…but I can still keep talking and saying what I want as I am escorted off.

Anonymous ID: 285d40 May 27, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.1557815   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Property owners do have the right to decide who gets to stay on it or not. And I can trespass talk up a storm and get my sorry ass thrown off.


You can throw me off your property…but you can't stop me from talking, unless what I am saying is putting other lives at risk. I can hate on someone all I want as long as I don't threaten their life. I can also get the shit kicked out of me by that someone when no one is looking.


But property rights have limitations where freedom of speech does not and vice versa. To say they are one and the same, does an injustice to both. And limits your rights as an individual even more. Like I said nice opinion piece. But I would have fun in debate class with this one.