Anonymous ID: 9c1952 May 27, 2018, 8:52 a.m. No.1557109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7139 >>7215

>>1556981 (prev bread)

>truth has multiple facets

Only according to common core.


according to Paul Feyerabend

both are demonstrably wrong.


2 + 2 = 4 Everywhere and every time.

Either you're pregnant or you're not.

Ying or Yang.

Good vs Evil.


Anything else is just fuckery.


>>1557020 (prev bread)

>I think anon is interesting. Debunkers alway smell like shit…

The whole point of /qresearch/ is to dig for evidence/proof that the narrative the cabal has been feeding us for decades or more is false. That's the very definition of 'debunking'.


you're saying that 9/11 was done by a bunch of arabs with box cutters.

MSM always tells the truth,

there is no deep state,

and Q is just a larp?


Why are you here?

Anonymous ID: 9c1952 May 27, 2018, 10:06 a.m. No.1557620   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>you are confusing duality/balance with black and white

False dichotomy, you present.

[1] duality/balance

[2] black and white

Then you claim that I'm confusing the [1] with the [2] other.

This is a mistake, you perceive.


What I actually did was present four categories of truth.

[1] 2 + 2 = 4 Everywhere and every time.

A mathematical truth based on a tautology. We know ahead of time what the values of the symbols '2' and '4' are.

We know ahead of time what the operators '=' and '+' are supposed to accomplish.

We combine the symbols using the operators according to rules that we've previously agreed upon.

We arrive at a conclusion.


[2] Either you're pregnant or you're not.

A material/scientific truth. We use the scientific method to determine whether a certain 'state' exists, i.e. pregnancy.

The 'state' either exists or it doesn't.


[3] Ying or Yang.

Two opposing forces that remain forever in balance because of the fact that each of them has the same amount of influence on the other.

this corresponds to you're duality/balance.


[4] Good vs Evil.

This addresses my second post >>1556855

An infinite being, by definition, can't have wants or desires because it already encompasses all. This is clear from the very definition of infinite.

It's clear in that it presents itself as a corollary like this:

all wants and desires must originate from a lack of the object that is wanted or desired.

if that object was already possessed then there would be no want for it nor any need for it.

To say that maybe The Infinite just want's more is irrational because 'all' is already possessed.


Once you comprehend this, then concluding that all evil 'must' come from a lack of something is trivial.

Therefore evil cannot exist within the Infinite and evil must be 'less' than The Infinite.

Good always wins.

The Infinite is always greater than the finite.


Just for good measure, I'd also point out that when you stated: duality/balance, as if these two terms were somehow equivalent, you made the gravest of errors.

[3] above is duality in balance.

[4] above is duality w/o balance. One small candle will light up an entire room in complete darkness.