so these have nothing to do with my end?
becoming a regular thing… the reply box saying 'updating thread' after a few replies.
also it freezes up brave 3-4 times a day now.
>brave not responding
in 20 second intervals followed by 1-2 seconds of normalcy then back to frozen. Closing and reopening have been working but last night I had to reboot pc.
anon just upgraded to ryzen 7 5700G w/16yg ram. low income or would do more. can deal if nothing I can do on my end. what are other bakers experiencing when the lag happens and how do you deal on the fly when baking? Wait it out?
So far it's not the actual baking where it hurts me but the nitty gritty aggegating in the middle of the bread
Anyway, I'm rambling. feedback appreciated.