>Ain't there a part of the Bible somewhere that says we can kick their ass?
There is a distinct difference between murder and killing. Doesn't matter what anyone says, it is ok to defend your family at any and all costs. The people promoting vaccines are murderers and need to be stopped, law or no law. Protecting others by eliminating the threat is a good thing.
However, one should consider the cost vs benefit. Would your actions help or harm the freedom movement? Would your actions benefit your family who chose on their own to take this shot? Would your actions bring harm to others that you love?
If the answer is no, then I'm not sure you would have any moral justification for it.
I personally am hoping that people world wide will reach a boiling point and at that moment, every single politician and actor or LEO that supported these shots, mandates, and other fake pandemic measures, or protected those that do, will be removed from their earthly duties.