Q is a facilitator dropping clues about whats going on behind the scenes. Q doesn't make decisions about what happens and when it happens.
Before I started lurking in the chans and following this stuff I had no idea what was really going on. Because of Q I now do. I am grateful for that.
I do not expect all of this to be quickly exposed and wrapped up overnight. We are talking about a HUGE conspiracy of corruption, crime, and evil involving many, many, many people at all levels all over the world. Rothschild and Soros money and Luciferian pedo cultism seem to be the common denominators. It is impractical and perhaps impossible to arrest ALL of these people and drop all of this on the normies all over the world all of a sudden. The shock would scare people and cause panic. And governments and economies would collapse.
Most people have no clue how the world really works. They wouldn't be able to handle this all at once. Also, the cabal is global. Our POTUS has no authority to arrest the countless number of foreigners outside the USA who are involved. This is further complicated by the fact that our law enforcement agencies, the judiciary, and even many in Congress have also been compromised. Cabal operatives are everywhere. They will do all that they can to thwart attempts by POTUS to change things. Evidence of that is everywhere too. POTUS is fighting a very strange and unique type of war. Have to take down the enemy in stages.
I am enjoying the show. Plenty has happened already. Al Waleed bin Talal and his network have been knocked out. That is HUGE. That is where a LOT of the dirty money was coming from, ISIS also almost obliterated.
Soros will be next. He knows it. Its the reason he gave all those billions away….last ditch effort to stoke chaos. Rothchilds will be the last and the trickiest. We still are yet to get clarification about what really happened to Lord de Rothchild and that mysterious plane crash that the media refuses to talk about. Q said the mission failed. We presumed that the mission was to kill Lord Rothchild. Q did not clarify. But what if the real mission was to extract Lord Rothschild and bring him to a place of safety so he could spill it all…and the failure of the mission was that the other side found out about the plan and killed him in that plane crash before he could talk? Does anyone really know where Lord de Rothschild is?
The rumor is that Lord de Rothschild had an attack of conscience in his old age and flipped.He was also at war with his son and other members of the Rothschild family. He decided to sing. He made a deal. The deal was leniency for him and certain members of his family in exchange for telling it all… They found out about the deal. And they arranged the accident.. No coincidences. Hopefully Q will revisit this and give additional perspective.
I believe Q. Most of whats actually happening is happening behind the scenes and not reported by the media. We are indeed in Fantasyland. This shit has been going on for decades and involves the richest and most powerful people in the world, yet complainers expect to see it all end in just a few months.