Well.. it looks like an N…
What's the liklihood that the 0 at the top of the static image might actually be the White house logo you see in the pen picture?
Yeah, Hitler died as matter-of-factually like Osama did.
This old man? Could be part of what made the static.. or maybe it's theother way around! I noticed the static repeated itself over and over (outlined in red is one segment) Iwish I had the original, I didn't save it either.
Mother Fffff one second
>>155854 It does. If you have a basic art program that lets you modify the brightness and contrast, you can start to make out the outlines of letters if you focus within that segment of the picture.
>>155877 Calm down. Some anons a day or two ago were wondering what was in the photo, so I am obliging. Go have some toast.
I don't buy the Hillary/Adolf father/daughter story. Merkel at least looks the part.
>>155911 I'm the same way, it is hard to see those dot pictures without enhancement. But when I lightened up the picture, I clearly saw a Q and ~. So I kept looking for more letters. I do what I can with what I have. Not all digs yield a result, am I right?