I am not sure if Trump -is- Q. However, it would not surprise me at all to discover that Trump created the concept of Q. Consider Trump's background and how Trump has worked ... since the beginning. Donald Trump largely created the Trump brand. He may not have been its founder, but he took it from being a family job of local note... to the international sensation it is. He has almost always advanced under controversy - drawing people into fights on terms they are unfamiliar with.
It would surprise me if Q is just Trump. But it only makes sense that Q is exactly the type of character that Trump would outline for the campaign Q has been leveraging on the digital front. He popped up in a place no one really expected and called out some very big fish. Q has advanced, since, on the big fish - never being outright wrong, while managing to be extremely controversial. Q can be very stoic and to-the-plan... and will seemingly take random dives at personalities who assail him for the pure sake of generating a victory. Classic Trump. Not afraid to attack a target of opportunity and exploit a vulnerability, but not out to waste time nitpicking.
Q is a new take on propaganda warfare - a hybrid formula using a steep approach to take opponents off guard. It's a familiar flavor for those of us who have studied special warfare strategies - but it's a very curious blend of marketing and action that is both reminiscent of the campaign, and of prior ARG projects.
It's brilliant - and if it wasn't DJT who crafted it, himself, he was certainly responsible for recognizing the talent the person, who did create Q, has. I think Q is certainly far more than just Trump, even if some of Q's posts are POTUS speaking directly to us - but a lot of me doubts even that. The sheer scale of what Q has set up requires a lot of moving parts and requires a lot of action on all hands involved inside the government. It would not be sound to have the POTUS chatting away on 8chan.
Now... there is an alternate theory that I came up with mostly as a spitball idea for a twilight zone type of thing... but what if information could be sent back in time? What if such a device existed that allowed, say, access to a computer terminal in the past? Could an entity like Q be a voice from the future guiding us away from "Judgment Day" - in a Terminator sense?
That is not really meant as a serious theory - just a brain tickler to entertain for a bit. I certainly would prefer that theory to "Q is AI" or larp theories (which... would actually be even more vexing, at this point, with the tweet synchro... would make sense if time travel... not if larp - or if larp, must be so psychic that he may as well be an insider).