Starting to get expensive.
maybe the mandates aren't worth wasting $800k/day of taxpayers money over. Why not just end the mandates?
Reddit is taking down our bigbois.
But who is taking down reddit?
A fag doesn't like jerry cans
twitter is getting honk'd
He set fires in the ottawa honkening as false flags.
But /pol/ caught him before it even made the news lmao.
Its security footage that has been enhanced with AI to create clarity.
it's because its upscaled using an AI algorithm. The AI created information that isn't there. It upscaled a fairly low-resolution image to a high resolution. These methods often leave artifacts in the image but they are otherwise often fairly accurate.
plz god make my vagina shoop of the arsonist get on the news lmao
Stay put. Don't retaliate.
If anything happens just offer them coffee, cookies and politeness. STAY PUT!
anon may need to start selling these memes as NFT's soon
apologies you are right. i knew something was wrong when i noticed his avatar missing.
I messed up.