Looks to me like Rainbows & Demons…
In Northern Iraq I ,as the USAF ground intelligence, and the Kurdish Peshmerga caught Hillary Clinton, Obama, and John Brennan smuggling Tactical Nuclear weapons to start a war with Russia. These People are Stupid…
Remember that Solar Observatory that got shut down and all those Chinese Faggots being rolled up with vials since the Las Vegas attack?
Remember the summer of 2019 when all the Vaping Panic happened but all the symptoms were EXACTLY the SAME as COVID-19 less than 6-months later?….
2010… We had Islamic States in Iraq (ISI) down to a handful of retards and we had just smoked the Top two Goat fuckers for them, putting Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, complete Douche Flute, in Charge…
Magically Hillary Clinton shows up in a SpecOps State Dept White C-32 and delivers some Cargo… In person. Rolls out. Then we catch the Donkey Train Outside-the-Wire… M28/29 Davy Crockett Tactical Nukes…
They Panicked… (Obama & Co) we Rolled out of Iraq and just a few months after the Arab Spring happens… Mostly Peacful Genocide… Soros Organized & Funded (Non-State Actor[$])… Tha Viola! ISI turns into ISIL/ISIS!
Forgot Pic… Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was a Fluffer between Prayer time at Camp Bucca… Circa 2005…
They've run out of Meat at Grocery stores in central Arkansas… They're blaming it on the Canadian Trucker Convoy…
Bowel Shaking Earthquakes of Doubt and Remorse… Assail Him, Impale Hom With Monster Truck-Force! He's Going The Distance!
*Multi-Verse Kek!
The British Crown Called the American Revolution a "Fringe Movement"…
Fragmented Support and Cheerleading for Saving the World?
How Can We Lose!
The Struggle is Real!
Midnight Riders…. Patriots, Lynchmobs, or Klansmen… all a Bit Scottish….