>>1557041 (two breads back)
Haha, good one.
Nice observation. Is similar to the ear yes.
No, his is a Flemish accent. The peasant version of Dutch if you will.
Hmmm, like Australian to American ears much like.
He plays for the zionist globalist team, no doubt about it.
I don't think he's part of the tribe though. Could be... dunno.
He has worked himself up to be one of the 'big players' ('voices') of the white genocidal Kalergi agenda in the €U forum. He has a past in Belgian politics, but has been spat out by the voters since. How much still vote for him is unclear to me, must be some: he's still there.
Wish he met with some nasty accident, aneurism or such like.
Belgians consider him a loser and a turd like disturbance into their lives, albeit a very well payed one. Maxine and Nancy come to mind here in this context. Just so you know. Bury the kike if at all you can.