Anonymous ID: d1a59d May 27, 2018, 11:23 a.m. No.1558205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8236

Good Morning Anons, BO, Bakers, Q Group, President Trump, General Mattis and all others entrusted with taking down the vile filth who have been shitting up our world. Speaking of that, I need to apologize for shitting up the board last night with nothing important. I don't like when others do it, and I don't feel good having done so myself. Hopefully I've learned my lesson.


Speaking of vile filth, here's a trending column on FB this morning. Top trend is Trump laying waste to Mueller's Russia Probe. Below that is Chelsea Clinton commenting that Trump degrades everything about being American. You have no idea how fucking angry it makes me to know that stinking rotten vile filthy Clinton family, the very people who more than any other family have caused so much destruction to America on so many levels, is STILL RUNNING AROUND FREE!!!!!


Before the 2016 election, all my energy was focused on the inevitable civil war between conservative Americans and mindless liberalism. I was gearing up for no holds barred warfare, destroying everything about them, targeting every single one of them. If ever there was a group of people who deserve being rounded up, tossed in cattle cars and sent to gas ovens, it is this current generation of liberals. I use that dramatic gas oven "solution" not because I am a fan of Hitler of Nazism, but purely for the irony and theatrics, to rub it in their faces, the actual Nazis of our culture. I didn't think there was any other way, that they have forced us to the point of brutally annihilating them using any and all necessary means.


To me this is beyond hatred. It is righteous resolve. None of what liberalism had done and has become should have happened in this day and age of so much information available to learn from the past what not to do, how not to think, what not to believe, who not to follow. Despite all that, they they are, doing exactly the opposite of all things sensible, good and right. They deserve the most harsh treatment imaginable, nothing but complete evisceration of their hideous beliefs and culture. Imagine the awesome bonfires of all their books, film, CD's, albums, DVDs.., again for the irony. Hollywood razed to the ground and turned back into farm and grazing land, the mansions burned to the ground…


Part of my thinking behind going full Terminator was that in terms of creating a spiritual atmosphere for the souls entering this world, a clear message should be sent to the weak and evil - You are not welcome here! I managed to create a justification, to see the effort as a holy war, and those joining in the fight were what I thought of as dark angels. Spiritual warriors. A tough job for tough souls.


I stopped thinking of these insane liberals as human. They sold their souls, and are now little more than vampires, leaches, parasites, zombies and demons. Fuck them. It's them or us. No fucking way am I going to become like them, and no fucking way are they going to destroy my world without a fight! Righteous response. No excuses. No mercy. Angry dark angel warrior at your service.


Pretty harsh, right? I would often think so, too, especially after ripping my vocal chords ragged while driving around Los Angeles screaming over some idiot news story heard on the radio. Then I would calm down and question if I was "over reacting" in my thinking, becoming part of the problem I was supposedly against. More and more, though, I found no way to compromise. I knew too much about this evil crapola.


I grew up in a town run by the mafia. In fact, I grew up next to a family that was connected to the mob, with that house used as a "safe zone' where competing mob families could socialize for wedding receptions, graduations and the like without fear of violent reprisals. Then later in the week we would hear in the news about a mob bombing or killing. I saw their faces up close when the street was lined with black Cadillacs during one of those social events, the faces I saw the very people who would do such things for money and power. The city has never recovered from all the corruption, and my family remains captive to those same people when they vote Democratic.


In November of 2016 a miracle happened with the election of Donald Trump as president, who I voted for. With that came some hope, a light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Then came Q and this Great Awakening.


So, is it truly going to happen? Will this cabal mess be taken apart and the perps finally get taken down in dramatic fashion? If not, then I'll just have to go back to plan A (see above). A righteous revolution created this country, and another one can save it. Which is it going to be? I'm ready for either way. I doubt I'm alone.