Incredible, formidable, even.
Now can you please get this shit over with?
Guess those are our biblical references. Not as cool as I'd hoped, but anon gets it, we have to wake people up gently.
anon grew up in area. Never liked it.
>The Bloodline of the Antichrist Payseur family would disagree.
what makes these assholes so magical? always wondered that. Do they get a direct link of marching orders from the prince of darkness or something?
knowing our current batting average, it's prolly a misunderstanding and she'll be released so we can all lose our shit and say WE HAVE TO SHOW THEM.
in the minds of some, people never change their appearance, nor gain weight.
my guess is those faggoty 6 indictments are at least four months apart from each other.
6 indictments x4months=24 months, which is roughly just in time for 2024 and 'well get em next time and make sure this never happens again by making 2024 the cleanest election EVAR.
that's how gay I think it'll be