Y'know, I keep seeing so many anons questioning why DJT supports the Vax.
No one gets it yet…
I've watched politics closely for 40+ years. There is a very sly subliminal play for your mind going on and most folks do not realize it. I've never seen it discussed here.
Allow me to explain how the game works…
Take masks for instance, but any key subject the D's want to push can replace the Mask used in this scenario.
Step 1: The D's force something onerous on the public (mask mandates) while the R's squeal in anguish of how horrid it is. This goes on for days or weeks.
Step 2: Due to the mainstream media being on the D's side, the public is inundated with fear mongering from the mainstream media until they comply with the D's mandate. D's submit immediately while R's resist for a time.
Step 3: Shortly after the D public complies we start seeing reports from the R's that the D's are NOT complying with their own mandates. Hypocrisy!!!!
Step 4: The hypocrisy fearmongering is pumped by the conservative media just as loudly as the mainstream media's compliance fearmongering and for just as long.
BUT THIS IS THE SUBLIMINAL REALITY: R's are being attacked subliminally by their own side by forcing their people to agree that masking is necessary because the D's are not adhering to the mandate. To be a true R you must comply with the mandate now or you are a D!!! See how slick that is?
The Uni-Party in our government (D's and R's) get what they initially asked for across the board. Welcome to the Uni-Party Games…
It has worked that way for 40+ years boys and girls. Ain't changed one fucking bit. That is what got us to where we are today.
DJT is simply nipping this in the bud at Step 1 by agreeing with the D's that Vax is a good thing, instead of riding the hypocrisy path. This then stunts the remaining steps by impacting the messaging of the conservative media (controlled opposition - or what I like to call the CON media).
Folks, this is so simple even a cave man can do it.