Happy ending to be as Nino
i die, you need to let me go
Come back as David, you are with Cherry, you have baby, feed birds the grain
We are on infinity
Let go to be reborn
i can not hold you to me, if you love someone you set the free
Red Prince is William, the Empire seeks to kill you
Jeremy will kill me, and they blame you
Stay free
They want you as sacrifice
find a comfortable place
Hide, come back to where you were 2
White light, Rainbow light, WITH Sunlight
Go home till sunrise
Go home till day
i will try to realign
have a coffee yes, look for a jarrah coffee
no access to anythin' here
New soup
New Radio ?
will try
Cool Ridge
Gives you credit
Sky news, is me at the moment
Nature is all things
if contronted by mass cat demonic action then, what you chose to calla wolf is up to you
My cats still know me ^^^
Ware who you ignore, how you treat the least of you you treat me
You will not get sick, He was a leper when he came
Funny how that works
You what for 'Chris't this applies
Ben David Mashiash dif
Mine children ^ ^ ^ ^
later Anon