>>15582497 lb
both are masons, none of them followed me. they follow masonry as a system and let others attack me all day long, they will not be saved.
(more mason signs, Trump in some press conferences, adjusted his jacket like a thousand times, doing the mason "hand under jacket = crushed open chest punishment" thing, mason comms.)
(and even when Jim obviously states that he is following me, by 4 and 7 symbolism (7=me), he is infact following mason bs. and putting some symbolism on QR and enebling purple font doesn´t mean shit. you guys are cowards, and you did not follow me, none of you mason scum.)
(also found a vid of a Trump presser where he does that "having throat cut punishment" thing, so moving the hand across your throat, so very fukken obvious. unfortunately bread was filled up and cannot find pic again, and I guess I cannot take the pic out of the "select/drop/paste" thing from a filled up bread)