>Herzel is a jew and jews lie. ALways want to make us think our heroes are jews.
hey! normies? do we have your attention, YET?
could have been a photo of tesla. he loved pigeons.
>May explain why China felt the need to build their own sun simulator. They know. They know what is coming.
so??? you gonna spill the beans? or you just like fucking with anons' minds?
> Anyone remember early on, there was a person posting videos where the sun went out.
went out? for pizza? on a date?
is ANYONE actually tarded enuf to believe that 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg of thermonuclear fusion reaction could simply "go out" for 10 days? then come "back on?" FFS has education fallen THAT far?
sum it up in 25 words or less, otherwise you're a fucking shill. KYS.
>I'll allow it.
weapons-grade baloneyium. the pole reversals have occurred on average every 200,000 yrs. the process whereby this occurs is fairly well understood at this point, and has to do with convection currents in the molten iron core, NOT any external cosmic forces. we are actually IN a field reversal that began about 3 centuries ago, and will take another 7 centuries to complete. the ONLY noticeable change will be the collapse of the ozone layer, due to spallation of the ozone in the upper atmosphere by the impingement of the solar wind, due to the diminished magnetic field during the process of reversal. MAYBE READ A FUCKING ACTUAL SCIENCE BOOK INSTEAD OF CRACKPOT PSEUDOSCIENCE WEBSITES AND YT VIDEOS.
KYS jackoff.
>Because trust muh science.
>'trust the science'
>fuck that
>fuck you
RIGHT… because ALL science is BULLSHIT. except of course the science that allowed people to invent, design, and build the internet along with ALL the supporting hardware, like AC generators and motors and computers and geosynchronous satellites, which allow FUCKING ASS-SUCKING FAGGOTS LIKE YOU to spew your RETARDED BULLSHIT all across the entire globe in milliseconds. THAT science is REAL. but ALL OTHER SCIENCE is pure bullshit, 'cause it shatters you retarded comic book view of reality.
do evolution a favor and KYS now, before you stumble into some ugly cunt just stupid enough and just dumb enough to bear your RETARDED SPAWN, and further pollute the gene pool.
fuck knuckledragging gangsta retards, fuck niggers that eat that shit up 'cause their too dense to figure out it was created by whitey to keep them down, and fuck you.
>Nothing says "Trust the Science" better than hiding the data from the public for 75 years, idiot.
the convo is about MAGNETIC FIELD REVERSALS, jackoff, NOT THE VAX. who's the IDIOT, NOW?
your IQ is showing thru your abysmal LACK of education.
when you have an earned PhD in an actual science, and 50 yrs of post grad experiencee, THEN you can speak about the shortcomings of the science establishment.
until thenSTFU, jackoff
bots agreeing with bots that anon who posts FACTS is a bot. KMAO.
>all science is bullshit.
then the internet is bullshit.
then everything on the internet is bullshit
then (You) are bullshit
and if (You) are bullshit, then "all science is bullshit" is FALSE.
logic not your strong suit? imma go out on a limb and guess your 51 cards short of a full deck. KYS.
wtf does that prove? that i'm stupid enuf to waste time trying to educate pig-headed morans? ya got me!
>You're not very smart if you have a PhD.
then how fucking stupid does that make YOU if you don't?
>we have been kept deliberately stupid for 100's of years
then how did YOU get so fucking smart?
NO ONE can "keep" you stupid EXCEPT YOURSELF, and YOU are doing ONE HELL OF A JOB.
>I'm not the one that's being hostile
reread your posts. you got a fucked up definition of hostile.
>I'm not the one that's being hostile and shitting up the bread like a shill.
you think your passive-aggressive implied insults make you somehow superior to someone who speaks plainly?
that just makes you a fucking hypocrite, on top of a smarmy two-faced coward. you must be a libtard. go VAX yourself.