You should call the NeoMarxist Frankfurt School and tell them you just discovered a catastrophic bug in their code.
If 'self-identity' politics is so unassailable that it permits biological men to 'self-identify' as women, if it permits white people to 'identify' as black, if it permits 'self-identifying' as literally anything, then it must completely negate any and all INTER-SUBJECTIVE labelling, that is one person 'labelling' another, and take your pick, labelling another as a nazi, or a kike, or any other 'group' concept 'identity', INCLUDING every single 'non-confrontational class identity, i.e. tall, short, big, small, white, black, man, women, etc.
But then surely even the most ardent identity politics advocate is 'labelling' others in SOME way, nobody can look at anything and have no concept formation at all in the cognitive act of perception. Nobody could have a total mental void to which they fully depend on others to tell them that they 'identify' as a human being, without which there is no perception by others at all.
Bug in the dialectic!
But then if it completely