Where the fuck are the arrests? Was Backchannel 17 really Assange? Is Q a blackop from the deep state to draw our attention from the real bad actors? Is Trump in on it? Trust who? Fuck Mueller, he is no white hat. These and many other questions keep popping up, after failed Q predictions. Answer away anons.
That is a good theory until you conclude the deep state played to your perception of their missdeeds. How much evidence do you really have of pizza gate? JFK assassination? False flags? Any convictions? Indictments? All we have is circumstantial evidence, innuendo, and accusations. Proof is proof,not what you believe.
The fuck?! I'll call it pizza gate, pedo gate, or whatever sick shit I want to call it! The fucking locked up Tommy Robinson for fucking reporting on these sick fucks raping kids! How the fuck are we winning if we can't call a fucking cunt a cunt!? Fuck Q, fuck Trump, fuck trust Sessions, and above all fuck the fucking plan! It's fake and gay!
I've read all the excuses for why this, and wait that. No coincidences, and disinformation is necessary. You gotta realize that a movement like this needs tangible results. Nor musical chair CEOs, or flop hack congressional retirements. Fucking results. Like Hillary no longer making boatloads of cash. Obama getting millions. Clapper and Comey selling fucking books would be a fucking nice start.
Have you seen the arrests? Have you seen the illegals deported? We do not control the information. They could tell you Q was god, and you'd have to believe it.
Well? How do you know? You must admit, it would help if you saw something. Anything!