So Rubio and Flake are trying to discredit POTUS
Any other R's doing the same??
Trump's 'Spygate' is a 'diversion tactic': Senator Flake
Flake said Trump’s unfounded allegations about FBI spying on his campaign, which the president
has called “Spygate,” came amid escalating, behind-the-scenes concern in the U.S. Senate that
the president may try to stop the probe by firing Mueller or the person who appointed him,
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Flake’s comments, on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” put him again at the forefront of very few Republican lawmakers
willing to openly challenge Trump over his attacks on law enforcement officials who are investigating Russian
meddling in the 2016 U.S. election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.
New POTUS tweet re NOKO
This sounds so familiar.
Oh yes, about 3-4 days ago lots of Hannity bashing going on here
I suspected MSM at the time
Likely was