Anonymous ID: 9c0ecd May 27, 2018, 12:26 p.m. No.1558790   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Who the fuck is Suzie Dawson?

a low IQ retard who thinks that Q is a Deep State op exposing the Deep State to round up all the people against the Deep State.

she's obviously never spent much time researching Q or even read the crumbs.

>it will only get worse

Anonymous ID: 9c0ecd May 27, 2018, 12:58 p.m. No.1559096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9146


>Where the fuck are the arrests?

arrests can't happen until the courts are clean and the public narrative has shifted. why are dems slow-walking POTUS appointments?


>Was Backchannel 17 really Assange?

why is this relevant?


>Is Q a blackop from the deep state to draw our attention from the real bad actors?

wew, lad. that's a stretch. who are the real bad actors then?


>Is Trump in on it?

i would say DJT is a part of the Q team, yes.


>Trust who?






>Fuck Mueller, he is no white hat.

are you sure? why was he being interviewed for a position he couldn't hold the day before he became SC?

was he a Marine? and why is that relevant?

Anonymous ID: 9c0ecd May 27, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.1559319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9323


i see. you REALLY want to see HRC in cuffs getting perp-walked. that would be nice, i know. but what would be the point if she just gets off scot-free due to a corrupt justice system? everything has to be in place before the hammer drops. there is only one chance at this. everything has to be airtight or its all just a waste of time. if you're not patient enough to wait for it to be done right the first time then you're probably not smart enough to realize what's been going on right in front of your face.

DOJ has been gutted.

FBI has been gutted.

CIA has been gutted.

human traffickers have been arrested.

thousands of children have been saved.

corruption is being exposed.


the swamp is being drained but your anger has blinded you.