I was very skeptical of BC-17 at first…I guess we will find out soon enough one way or the other…June 11 2018 coming up hard and fast
STFU you little shill cunt
Hilarious….I plan on holding BC-17 accountable to their claims and that somehow makes me a shill?
Fuck off and eat a dick
Yep thanx for pointing yourself out again after your IP hop
BC-17 has to do with Julian …nothing to do with Q. If they blow the deadline then we KNOW for certain
Try harder kike
Quit projecting liddle pedo kike cunt
FFS kike…get some new memes
Fuck off Rabbi
Depends on what happens with American Zionists and their Chosenite gods
China and Russia are trading partners and have military coop drills
China and India are always butting heads. India will lose billions if Chinese trade is refocused on Asia and Europe