I might break my computer if I look through this.. My mum developed lung cancer that appears as two brain tumours all of a sudden. Oncologists did a good job overdosing her on radiotherapy increasing her pain before she died..
I did discover something called Budwig Protocol at the time, a way of rapidly oxygenating the body to heal the cells along with slight adjustments to the diet that had saved thousands of people going back to the 40's and 50's.
The oncologists scoffed at the idea and said she should eat whatever she wanted, including sugary stuff like ice cream as it wouldn't make much difference anyway.
No better than the likes of Fauci.
However if a simple pill like Ivermectin costing a few pounds could have done the job to help heal her then the fact that it has been kept quiet should be grounds for these people to be charged with mass murder.
They want the birth certificate funds after we die. That's why they use something like cancer as a cover to execute people under the guise of 'treatment'.
I hope they all burn in hell.