Today is a two year delta from a JUSTICE post.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 02/09/2020 16:33:49 ID: f3f91b
Archive Bread/Post Links: 8083294 / 8083380
Direct Link: 8083380
Q Clock [ Minute: 14 | :25/:55 Mirror: 36 | 180 Mirror: 44 | :35/:05 Mirror: 56 ]
The Shot Heard Round The World
Today is National Pizza Day.
Agree with this poster. Stay calm. Give them your name. Advise them you wish to speak to your counsel. Lawyers are pre arranged.
They cannot logistically remove all those trucks. More can take the place of the ones that are removed. They thought this would be over by the first Tuesday.
Another Liberal MP breaks ranks.