We've all been played by the red and the blue Satanists. Apollo Abaddon ( a bad don). Is the biblical false prophet of the kikes. Kikemaster Scottish palladian rite trumps sole purpose is to make sure Israel remains the top seat under Satan and everyone else that's fighting for the game of thrones is eliminated. All his kids are Jew trash. And everyone knows that all kikes are the synogague of Satan. We sit here dying to the vaccine warp speed..that's now causing massive VAIDS…as they plan to turn us all into Borg for demonic hosts… But keep trusting the plan… It's rapture or death now.
Scottish rite. Learn ur shit nigger..ever heard of the fucking Phoenicians….
Kikemaster trump has only endorsed more fucking swamp. There is no savior. It's literally the red and the blue pharoas…. Who the fuck cares about democrats vs repubs 2022. It doesn't fucking matter…they are all fucking satanic. We kill them all…or we die.
You are one stupid nigger aren't you. Fuck the kikes as well. They sit on the throne of Satan. If you open your mouth again it better be to suck cock like the faggot you are. Learn your fucking hierarchy of the synogague you dumb nigger.
It's time to purge.