This hasn't been posted has it?
Truckistan Amb. Poso Chequered flag
There's a lot to unpack here
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An Open Secret
ยท 7h
President of pro-pedophile activist charity just sentenced to 15 years for possession of sadistic child sexual abuse material
Ian Andrew Zearley also jailed in 2010 for this
Pedophile Associates of America had tax exempt charity registration with IRS
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12:07 AM ยท Feb 10, 2022
I hate these people so much.
It's fucking unbelievable. READ THIS ARTICLE, ANONS
Thank you.
Slightly ominous callsign.
Jason Everman.
He's a fucking retard.
This is the real pandemic.
They sure as hell can't talk about Biden.
He takes the opportunity to throw Hillary's emails in there. kek