Anonymous ID: e9c6ba Feb. 10, 2022, 5:24 a.m. No.15592949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2985


have not read the new articles this week in full did skim… and it does not add up

when they found him, he was just dead for no reason and nobody knew jack

Then the one line anon saw said "accidentally bumped his head before bed"

stopped reading right there

is the coroner dead yet? is my only q.

Anonymous ID: e9c6ba Feb. 10, 2022, 5:34 a.m. No.15592998   🗄️.is 🔗kun


this consent push stinks to high heaven

it pushes kids into further sexual territory very very quickly

the mystery around sex would have slown them down a little out of the fear of God

plus it adds a "contractural" element in the child's mind, once sexual activity is consented to, it is harder to stop

in natural activity, without the fukkery propaganda psycology on top, the kid might just think an innocent kiss was all there was, now is is consent to get fucked in the ass apparently

their teachings are twisted and satanic


that is all