>>1559343 (previous bread)
What happened to Hicks? I always assumed she just resigned because of the toll of the job. I knew she had a long term boyfriend who left her during the campaign because he never saw her, she was always working with Trump
>>1559343 (previous bread)
What happened to Hicks? I always assumed she just resigned because of the toll of the job. I knew she had a long term boyfriend who left her during the campaign because he never saw her, she was always working with Trump
He's very busy. Also this absence is very intentional - to make the cabal sweat it out wondering what happened during the briefings Thursday
April lol
When did he say that?
>>Who is Potus talking about in this tweet, "the children"
>Hope Hicks, for one.
>All the SC has done is trash and threaten anyone wanting to work for the administration.
>Work for a winning campaign and have your life ruined by the losers. State of the Nation at this point in time.
Help me out Anons. What exactly did the phony Russia collusion witch hunt do to Hope Hicks?
No worries, i can google it. Thanks anon
Is the stage set, as far as proper city, state, federal judges all in place?
Hahaha let the liberals keep saying Where Are The Children? Keep the attention on it.
>Gates= Depopulation
Not disagreeing with you, I just dont know much about him. What is/was Gates doing to assist in depopulation?
Steve Jobs? Black Hat I assume?
I cant wait for him to get his day
I heard that too. Heard he actually died of HIV/Aids, but obviously couldnt tell anyone
Stop with the 10 Days Of Darkness shit. It was never even confirmed it meant 10 days in a row of Q not posting. We just thought that's what it meant
Haha funny